2016 Results

Updated July 11, 2016 at 7:30PM CT:

2016 Reagan Run Awards
2016 Reagan Run Age Group Awards
2016 Reagan Run Overall Results
2016 Reagan Run Team Scores

10 Responses to 2016 Results

  1. Doug Rhodes says:

    I am bib number 586 and I do not see a finishing time for that number. I finished about 1 toe behind Matt Nutial bib # 588. My time should be same as he and bib # 1031 – Emily Bocker. Matt Nutial and I are both part of the Borg Warner corporate challenge team, and my time is important to the scoring of the team. I had my bib # attached to a runners’ belt – perhaps not visible if my shirt had shifted. But time should still be registered via chip. This also means I should have placed third in Mens 50-54 age group. I have Garmin data to back this claim.

    • Walt Lillyman says:

      Updated race results have been posted to the site!

      • Doug Rhodes says:

        Hi Walt,

        I have re-checked the results as of 1 PM Tuesday 7/5/16 and I do not notice the change. I am either place number 88 or 89. As I said earlier Matt Nutial placed just a split second ahead of me at place # 87. There were 3 of us bunched up at the finish, Matt Nutial, myself, and a female who I do not know, but assume to be bib #1031. I believe the correct order is bib # 588, then bib # 1031, then bib # 586 (myself). You have a cluster of finish times that bears this out starting at 20:36.39 and ending at 20:37.22 (my likely time). I believe the next finisher would have been bib # 582 at 20:40.0.

        I am bringing this to your attention not only as it affects my standing and Borg Warners Corporate Challange results, but also because it may alert you to other timing issues affecting other competitors times.

        Thank You for your time and attention,

        Doug Rhodes – RR5K x 12

        • Nancy Varga says:

          Hi Doug:

          I contacted our timing company and you were not identified because your number was not able to be seen. You have no been inserted where you belong and results have been updated accordingly.


  2. Rachel says:

    Why are all of the chip times and gun times the same? Shouldn’t the chip times be more accurate?

  3. Mark Truesdell says:

    I am bib number 1170 and ran about 20:40. I too was not entered into the results. I would have been 3rd in my age group and would have counted for our team rock falls high school. Because of the error, our team did not have enough members to even be recognized…

    • Nancy Varga says:

      Hi Mark:

      I will check into this and let you know what I find out.


    • Nancy Varga says:

      You have now been put into the results which will be posted later today. With this change, Rock Falls High School came in 4th.